Biofield detoxification


Once you arr a Helping hand member you can now freely decied if you want the sleeptag energiser and it is free, natrually. To receive your Biofield detoxification simply email this page to twenty of your most dearest companions.

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To perform energy work on a long list of energy imbalances:

Helping Systems


Boosting the immune system biofield. Anti-aging and rejuvenation enhancement. Biofield detoxification. De-stress emotionally and mentally. Biofield imbalances caused by musculoskeletal pain, headaches, carpal tunnel. The generating pendants designed with your well being in mind works continually while it is been worn. Sleeptags video will be available soon on Utube. Thank you for the feedback.

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1 Comment on Biofield detoxification

  1. Like mysef you may have notice people are becoming more aware of this EMF problem in this society. With so many new electrical device availabe and the user’s are ever becoming younger. In my oppinion not given enough time to develope free from EMF in those precious personallity building years before adulthood.

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